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8 Digital Transformation Trends that will Rule 2023

Posted by Pooja Pushpan

minutes read

While the risk of recession is looming upon us, digital transformation will continue to remain a priority for businesses. As the year comes to an end, we’ll be witnessing some new trends that will set the tone for 2023. In this blog, we’ll highlight the key digital transformation trends to look out for in the coming year. 

#1 Unparalleled Digital Experience

Pull Stats –88% of customers believe that the experience that a company provides is as important as products and services.”
In the years to come, a seamless digital experience will be crucial to attracting and retaining customers. Customers are exposed to a plethora of choices and you know which ones win? The ones that offer straightforward, connected, and intuitive experiences. 

Everything around us has become more connected than ever. Smart homes and automated check-in are two great examples of connected experiences. Investing in a CRM like Salesforce that can connect different departments will help organizations make the most use of data and provide a seamless digital experience to customers. 

#2 Make Way For More Automation

Pull Stats –57% of organizations see automation as a way to increase productivity and performance.”

While automation is not a new phenomenon, there will be increased investment in the technology in 2023. According to research, employees spend only one-third of their day on tasks that they were hired for in the first place. The primary goal for business leaders will be to achieve more by doing less, thereby driving  productivity, efficiency, and cost savings. There are powerful technology solutions out there that automate repetitive tasks, helping employees focus on the more important work and improving their productivity. 

#3 Low-Code No-Code Tools to Be More Accessible

Pull Stats – “By 2024, 65% of app development activity can be taken care of by low code/ no-code tools.”

With the digital world changing rapidly, IT teams are constantly under pressure to align with new trends. However, there is a dearth of talent supply and this shortage will make more organizations adopt low-code/no-code tooling. These tools will help create fusion teams with experts from different departments, enhancing the transformation process and helping organizations meet deadlines more efficiently. 

#4 More Integrated and Resilient Cybersecurity

Pull Stats- “The cost of global cybercrimes is speculated to increase by 15% annually for five years, coming at $10.5 trillion by 2025.” 

There has been rapid adoption of cloud-based infrastructures and serverless technologies. But what remained the same are the practices that organizations used to monitor technologies. The methods that worked for legacy systems are nearly enough to protect new technologies. Observability provides overall visibility across infrastructure for the entire IT team. This extensive visibility enables the team to detect and fix errors before they become huge risks. 

#5 Solutions that Help Remote and Hybrid Work

Pull Stats-While 48% of employees want permanent remote work, 44% are willing to opt for a hybrid work model. Only 8% of the surveyed employees opt to join the office full-time.”

Employees today expect work flexibility and business leaders need to get on this bandwagon and fast! Flexible work culture has proven to be excellent for productivity, inclusivity, and modernization. In 2023, more and more people will be taking advantage of this opportunity and organizations must be ready for that. Collaborative tools, knowledge management, portfolio management, virtualization, workflow automation, data insights, etc. will be the most crucial aspects. Evidently, organizations will have to invest in technologies that seamlessly deliver these aspects globally. Microsoft Teams, Slack Canvas, Huddles, Zoom, Poly, etc. are some of the technologies that will rule the hybrid world. 

#6 AI Reign will Prevail

Pull Stats-Around 77% of devices are integrated with AI in some form.” 

Similar to automation, the integration of artificial intelligence will rapidly make its way into every aspect of businesses. Every trend from automation, and collaboration, to hybrid culture and cybersecurity, is deeply impacted by AI. Technology will continue to push designing and manufacturing.  We are witnessing the likes of Salesforce, Apple, Microsoft, Google integrate AI into our work apps and personal devices. And this trend is only going to snowball in the coming years. 

#7 The Supply Chain Transformation

Pull Stats- Supply chain 4.0 holds the potential to lower operational costs by 30% and reduce lost sales by 75%.”

Presently, the global supply chain is under a lot of stress, due to the economic condition and increased prices. Supply chain 4.0 and digitalization will be critical to reducing this growing stress. Instead of being stuck on status-quo, companies will have to rethink their approach toward the supply chain. Supply chain 4.0 includes the integration of IoT, the use of advanced robotics, and advanced analytics. The phenomenon put sensors all around, allowing automation to reduce operational stress and costs. 

#8 The Year of the Multi-Cloud

Pull Stats- “In 2021, 90% of surveyed companies have already adopted multi-cloud. A majority of them were big enterprises.”

2022 focused on the adoption of a hybrid cloud, whereas 2023 will focus more on multi-cloud adoption. Providers such as Salesforce, AWS, AZURE, Google, etc. are helping organizations optimize their cloud usage. This trend will become more prevalent as companies look for cloud optimization while ensuring price efficiency. Many public cloud providers are offering more extensive offerings that tackle many challenges such as scalability, redundancy, compliance, etc. We can expect to see more providers coming with open-source and modular solutions. 

These are merely a handful of digital transformation trends that we are likely to witness in 2023. As the year approaches, we will see an influx of new trends and technology that will transform the digital world making it more connected, productive, and efficient. 

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